Miracle of Holy Fire site mapPhotos and videos / Photos and videos of the Holy Fire miracle
Fragments of Holy Fire videos
Pilgrim washing bear with fire Pilgrim washing bear with fire.
Holy Fire does not scorch even hairs for the first.

Source: site of Alexandro-Nevskoe brotherhood
MPG 339 kb (MPEG-1 codec)
Holy Fire does not burn Holy Fire does not burn.
Man keeps a hand in flame for a long time.

Source is not knowing
Avi 306 Kb (DivX Pro 5.0.5 Codec)
Pilgrims wash with Holy fire bears and hands Pilgrims wash with Holy fire bears and hands
Holy fire does not burn for the first time, so man can see as pilgrims move it near hands and even hair

Source: NTV (Russian channel), with the help of Jan Savitsky
MPG 20,6 Mb (MPEG-1 codec)
Video of washing by Holy Fire Video of washing by Holy Fire. 2000
Man may see pilgrim keeping his hand in a fire

Source: "Holy Land" by Kostas Nassios
Avi 246 κα (VP62 Codec)
Video of washing by Holy Fire Video of washing by Holy Fire. 2003
Man may see pilgrim keeping his hand in a fire. Fragment 1.

Source: Holy week in Jerusalem. Easter. 2003
Avi 136 κα (VP62 Codec)
Video of washing by Holy Fire Video of washing by Holy Fire. 2003
Man may see pilgrim keeping his hand in a fire. Fragment 2.

Source: Holy week in Jerusalem. Easter. 2003
Avi 140 Kb (VP62 Codec)
Video of washing by Holy Fire Video of washing by Holy Fire.
Fragment 1. Man washes by flame his chin.

Source: "Shogdenije" ("Descent"), OTV-PRIM (GTRK "Vladivostok", Russia), 27 April, 2003
Avi 488 Kb (DivX 3 Fast-Motion codec)
Video of washing by Holy Fire Video of washing by Holy Fire. Fragment 2.
Man washing by Holy Fire may be seen in right bottom.

Source: "Shogdenije" ("Descent"), OTV-PRIM (GTRK "Vladivostok", Russia), 27 April, 2003
Avi 488 Kb (DivX 3 Fast-Motion codec)
Video of washing by Holy Fire Video of washing by Holy Fire.
Man may see as a pilgrim washes by fire. Take into account that he bring the fire to his hair.

Source: Orthodoxy in Holy Land. Film VIII (in Russian).
MPG 1278 Kb (MPEG codec)
Washing by Holy Fire Washing by Holy Fire, 2003. Fragment 1
Man may see a woman who stay on a square in front of the church of Holy Sepulcher and pull down a hand and head in the flame.

Source: "Descent of Holy Fire", TV-channel "NTV", Russia, April 26, 2003.

Avi 506 kb (DivX 3 Fast-Motion codec)
Video of washing by Holy Fire Video of washing by Holy Fire, 2003. Fragment 2

Source: "Descent of Holy Fire", TV-channel "NTV", Russia, April 26, 2003.
Avi 220 kb (DivX 3 Fast-Motion codec)
Video of washing by Holy Fire Video of washing by Holy Fire, 2003. Fragment 3

Source: "Descent of Holy Fire", TV-channel "NTV", Russia, April 26, 2003.
Avi 254 kb (DivX 3 Fast-Motion codec)
Video of washing by Holy Fire Video of washing by Holy Fire, 2003. Fragment 4

Source: "Descent of Holy Fire", TV-channel "NTV", Russia, April 26, 2003.
Avi 214 kb (DivX 3 Fast-Motion codec)
Video of washing by Holy Fire Video of washing by Holy Fire, 2003. Fragment 5

Source: "Descent of Holy Fire", TV-channel "NTV", Russia, April 26, 2003.
Avi 478 kb (DivX 3 Fast-Motion codec)
Video of washing by Holy Fire Video of washing by Holy Fire, 2003.
Fragment 6

Source: "Descent of Holy Fire", TV-channel "NTV", Russia, April 26, 2003.
Avi 164 kb (DivX 3 Fast-Motion codec)
Video of washing by Holy Fire Video of washing by Holy Fire, 2003. Fragment 7
Man may see at the end of the video a man in the distance, who holds a hand in the flame of a bunch of candles (Right center).

Source: "Descent of Holy Fire", TV-channel "NTV", Russia, April 26, 2003.
Avi 582 kb (DivX 3 Fast-Motion codec)
Video of washing by Holy Fire Video of washing by Holy Fire, 2003. Fragment 8
Man may see as an aged man, getting out of the church hold a hand in the flame of a bunch of candles.

Source: Descent of Holy Fire / TV-channel "NTV", Russia, April 26, 2003
Avi 446 kb (DivX 3 Fast-Motion codec)
Fire which does not burn Fire which does not burn. 2004
Man may see as a few man in center washing with Holy Fire.

Source: Greek movie "Holy Fire". 2004.
MPEG4 7,4 Mb (DivX 3 Fast-Motion codec)
Holy Fire does not burn Holy Fire does not burn. 2006

Man may see peoples which place hands into the Holy fire flame.

Source: Russian chanel "NTV", 2006.
WMV 423 kb (AVIcodec)
Video of blue lighting-like flashes. Video of blue lighting-like flashes
Man may see a few flashes. One of them has vertical direction. Flashes are of blue color in contrast to photoflashes.

See pictures of selected shots

Source: "Orthodoxy in Holy Land". Film VIII (in Russian).
MPG 475 Kb (DivX 3 Fast-Motion codec)
Documentary and amateur filming of the Holy Fire on the Internet
The secret of Holy Fire "The secret of Holy Fire" documentary (off site)
The movie about Holy Fire with strong accent on history, testimonies, miracles and ceremony (in Russian)
10:10; 10:40 - People washing faces with Holy Fire

Link: video.mail.ru
Source: "MB Group" for VGTRK (Russian TV chanel "Rossija")
Embedded video stream. 320x240 - 29:31 - 79,4 mb,
Amateur filming of Holy Fire, 2006 Amateur filming of Holy Fire in 2006, position at right top opposite entrance in Kuvuklia (off site)
1:45; 2:00; 2:15; 2:25; 2:35; 3:00 - Pilgrims washes his faces and hands with Holy Fire

Link: Youtube
Source: yacoubelias (?)
Embedded video stream: 208x160 - 04:40 - 9 mb
Amateur filming of Holy Fire, 2007 Amateur video of Holy Fire filmed in 2007, in front of Kuvuklia (off site)
2:25 - a man touches his neck with the flame. 3:15 - women move their hands in candles flame

Link: Youtube
Source: yacoubelias (?)
Embedded video stream: 352υ288 - 04:29 - 12 mb
Amateur filming of Holy Fire, 2007 Amateur video of Holy Fire filmed in 2007, position to the left of Kuvuklia entrance (off site)
1:48 - pilgrims move their hands in candles flame

Link: Youtube
Source: infolivetvenglish (?)
Embedded video stream: 320x240 - 01:58 - 7 mb
Amateur filming of Holy Fire, 2008 Amateur filming of Holy Fire in 2008, position opposite entrance in Kuvuklia (off site)
00:30 - may see as a man washes his had with Holy Fire

Link: Youtube
Source: thefifthseal (?)
Embedded video stream. 320x240 - 01:58 - 7 mb
Marvel movie of Holy Fire Video of the Holy Fire ceremony
Quality is low. Film includes duration from beginning of ceremony of Holy Light until Holy fire appear-ance. The glances of Holy Light lightning is seen well.

Source: http://www.agoc.org
RM 13 Mb, 10 min (Real Media Player)
Video of the Holy Fire ceremony Video of the Holy Fire ceremony

Source: site Alexandro-Nevskoe brothership
AVI 85 Μα, 10 min (MPEG-1 codec)
Video of the Holy Fire ceremony. Live video of Holy Fire descent in 2006 (Russian)

NTV (Russia) chanel translation. Source: site "Radonezh" studio
AVI, 133 Mb, 61 min
Video of the Holy Fire ceremony. Christ's miracles (Russian)
Special report (TV Stolica (Russia) , 2006-06-10) on Orthodox miracles. For Holy Fire video see 21-23 minutes.

Source: site "Radonezh" studio
AVI, 53 Μα, 24 μθν
Video of the Holy Fire ceremony. Three witnesses
Three miracles of God in Holy Land: descent of Holy Fire (14-23 minutes), Iordan river turn round, The Cloud of Transfiguration descending on Favor mount every year

Source: site "Radonezh" studio
AVI, 55 Μα, 25 μθν
Photos of the Holy Fire
Pilgrims wash with Holy fire bears and hands
Pilgrims wash with Holy fire bears and hands

Θρςξχνθκ: Micah Walter
JPEG 63 Kb (444 X 550 X 16mln)
Pilgrim keep a hand in flame of the Holy Fire
Pilgrim keep a hand in flame of the Holy Fire

Source: Wildlife & Genre Photography by Vadim Onishchenko
JPEG 140 kb (527 X 650 X 16Mb)
Marvel picture. Washing by Holy Fire
Marvel picture. Washing by Holy Fire.
The women washing by Holy Fire

Source: © Magazine "Religio: restored connection", 2000, pp. 48 (in Russian)
JPEG 72 kb(600 X 423 X 16Mb)
Its a miracle - fire which does not burn
Its a miracle - Fire which does not burn.
Photo made in 2002 by pilligrims.

Source: "Blagovest", Samara (Russia), 17 May 2002.
JPEG 14 kb (190 X 289 X 16Mα)
Fire which does not burn
Fire which does not burn.
Marvel picture from translation of Russian television in 2002.

Source: newspaper "Orthodox Christian newspaper of Northen Russia" "VERA", Ή412, 2002. P. 3, 20.
JPEG 9 kb (320 X 240 X 16Mα)
Fire which does not burn
Fire which does not burn.

Source: site news.ru
JPEG 20 Kb (320 X 240 X 16Mb)
Fire which does not burn
Fire which does not burn.
Picture made by Greek pilgrim in 1994 on Holy Saturday befor Orthodox Easter.

Source: http://www.holylight.gr
JPEG 17 kb (259 X 187 X 16Mα)
Fire which does not burn
Fire which does not burn.
Admittedly 2003.

Source: site "Tropinka k hramu"
JPEG 24 Kb (250 X 237 X 16Mα)
Three miracles Three Miracles.
1)Descriprion of marvel pic: in the middle light pillar may be seen, fixed in a moment of the Holy Fire appearance.
2) Candles "itself" have lighten up in an arch in a hand of Armenian clergy.
3) Line of Holy Fire lights may be seen at bottom left. These is not oil-lamps - non-byrning oil-lamps may be seen between lights.

Source: Gubanov Vladimir. Holy Fire: miracles on Holy Sepulchre. Moscow, "Lestvica", ed. 4, 2000, p. 280. (in Russian)
JPG (946 X 698 X 16Mb), GIF 236 kb(600 X 423 X 256 black-and-white)
Lightings which appeared before Holy Fire descend Lightings which appeared before Holy Fire descend.
This is a picture from a movie made by operators of NTV channel (Russia) admittedly in 2003

Source: newspaper "Komsomolskay'a Pravda")
JPG 18 Kb (300 X 217 X 16Mb)
Luminous haloes. Series of photos vrom video Luminous haloes
See that form of haloes on marvel picture differs: most part of them does not connected with candles or other sources of light.

Source: site "Miraclous of Orthodoxy"
JPEG 32kb(589 X 392 X 16Mb)
Bleeding of the icon of the Lord Christ in 2001 on the eve of the Holy Fire rite .
Bleeding of the icon of the Lord Christ in 2001 on the eve of the Holy Fire rite. You may see runs of chrism at bottom from feet of the Savior and from letters under the feet.

Source: Mario Peichev (USA, New-York, Russian Orthodox Church Abroad).
JPEG 133 Kb (596 X 893 X 16Mb)
The column where from Holy Fire appears
The Column Where From Holy Fire Appeared.
Description will be added later

Author: nissen@rambler.ru
JPEG 96 kb(586 X 831 X 16Mb)
The column where from Holy Fire appears
The Column Where From Holy Fire Appeared.
The column where from Holy Fire appears. You can see the column, located near en-trance in Church of Holy Sepulchre, split by marvel appearance of Holy Fire in 1579 - when Holy Fire appears out of the Church. This year Armenians suborned sultan Murat the Truthful who reigned in Jerusalem and Orthodox was not admitted not only in kuvuklia but in the church at all.

Taken from: http://users.otenet.gr/~styliant/orthodoxia/Jerusalem1517_Eng.htm
JPEG 88 kb(667 X 843 X 16Mb)
Old photos of Holy Fire
Church of Holy Sepulchre (Resurrection) inside and outside
Plans of Jerusalem and church of Holy Sepulchre (Resurrection)
Miracle of Holy Fire site mapPhotos and videos / Photos and videos of the Holy Fire miracle
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