Miracle of Holy Fire site mapPhotos and videos / Plans of Jerusalem and Holy Sepulchre
Plan of Kuvuklia - the Jesus Tomb Plan of Kuvuklia - the Jesus Tomb

Taken from: Ty esi Bog tvorjaj chudesa. O skhozhdenii Blagodatnogo Ognja. Izd. Optinoj Pustyni, 1997.
GIF 2,3 KB (408 X 239 X 8)
Plan of The Church of Holy Sepulchre Plan of The Church of Holy Sepulchre
Holy places marked.

Taken from: http://www.geocities.com/TheTropics/Cabana/1017/holy-sp.htm
GIF 14 kb(399 X 262 X 17)
Reconstruction of Holy Places Reconstruction of Holy Places
Description will be added.

Taken from: http://www.geocities.com/TheTropics/Cabana/1017/holy-sp.htm
GIF 7 kb(396 X 399 X 17)
One more plan of The Church of Holy Sepulchre One more plan of The Church of Holy Sepulchre
Description will be added.

Taken from: ...
GIF 84 kb(468 X 486 X 128)
The Church of Holy Sepulchre and surrounding buildings The Church of Holy Sepulchre and surrounding buildings

Taken from: http://www.geocities.com/TheTropics/Cabana/1017/
GIF 42 kb(245 X 190 X 16Mb)
TThe plan of Jerusalem city in I century in times of Jesus Christ The plan of Jerusalem city in I century in times of Jesus Christ
Main buildings, biblical places and ways of Christ pacing are presented. Interactive

Taken from: Der Bible Atlas. Yohan Aharon / Michael Avi-Yonah. Weltbild Verlag GmbH, Aausburg, 1990. P. 149
GIF 36 kb(376 X 520 X 64)
TThe plan of Jerusalem city in I century in times of Jesus Christ The plan of Jerusalem city in XII century in times of pilgrim Daniil
Many religious and administrative buildings, biblical places are presented. Interactive

Taken from: Pilgrimage of Russian Father-Superior Daniel. - Book of traveling. Notes of Russian travelers of XI - XV cc. Moscow, 1994. (in Russian)
GIF 85 kb(1000 X 824 X 256)
The plan of Jerusalem city in I century in times of Jesus Christ The plan of Jerusalem city in I century in times of Jesus Christ
Main buildings, biblical places and ways of Christ pacing are presented

Taken from: Der Bible Atlas. Yohan Aharon / Michael Avi-Yonah. Weltbild Verlag GmbH, Aausburg, 1990. P. 149
GIF 99 kb(556 X 660 X 16MB)
Photos and videos of the Holy Fire miracle
Old photos of Holy Fire
Church of Holy Sepulchre (Resurrection) inside and outside
Miracle of Holy Fire site mapPhotos and videos / Plans of Jerusalem and Holy Sepulchre
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